All posts by theelkmechanic

The enamel chick

So apparently the default for WordPress is to moderate comments from people you haven’t approved before. Well, that’s turned off for now. Anyway, I’ve already gotten a request to explain the blog’s name, “A Chicken Helmet,” which I probably should have done in the first place. Several years ago, I plugged my name into an anagram generator, and it came up with quite a few interesting ones. My favorite, “the elk mechanic,” got turned into usernames, email addresses, etc. and has pretty much become my online identity. There were also quite a few related to chickens (the lame chicken, the chicken meal, the male chicken), and I’m not sure what exactly that says about me. But one of them was “a chicken helmet,” which struck me as an excellent name for a blog. Or a name for a blog, at least.

A-blogging we will go

Several times over the past few weeks, I’ve thought, “Gee, I wish I had a blog to write about X.” And then I’ve thought, “Wait, I do have a couple blogs, I could post to one of them.” But then I’ve thought, “I haven’t posted to them in a long, LONG time. I should just start a new blog.”

Of course, all this thinking, coupled with life being its typical busy craziness, means that it’s taken this long just to get to the point where the blog is set up and I have a couple minutes to post something to it. And this isn’t even anything more than saying, “Yes, I’ve started another blog I’ll never have the time or enthusiasm to update.” Ah, well, I’ll tackle actually posting something real tomorrow, provided I can remember some of those things I wanted a blog for.